Livewire 12: Flow
Earl and Darielle Linehan Concert Hall
October 20, 2022 – Oct 22, 2022 (All Day Event)
The Department of Music presents Livewire 12: Flow, the 12th annual festival of new and experimental music featuring UMBC artists and guest performers, including the Ruckus ensemble, the counter(induction ensemble, trombonist Patrick Crossland and bassist Alexander Frangenheim, a student concert, and more!
Thursday, October 20, 7:00 p.m.— Dream Prayer Observatory, a multidisciplinary collaboration between Dan Bailey (photography and video), Linda Dusman (composer), Brian Jones (technical director), Sandra Lacy (choreography and dancer), Alan Wonneberger (recording and audio design), and Airi Yoshioka (violin).
Thursday, October 20, 7:30 p.m. — Ruckus, the faculty ensemble in residence at UMBC performers works by George Crumb, Jennifer Higdon, Katherine Balch, Daniel Pesca, and Linda Dusman. (TICKETS)
Friday, October 21, 12 p.m. — UMBC student performers present a concert of works by John Cage, Jeffrey Martin, Sonia Borenstein, and others.
Friday, October 21, 3:30 p.m. — Dr. Jessica Rudman presents her music and teaches a composition masterclass with UMBC student composers
(PAHB 151 - The Music Box)
Friday, October 21, 7:30 p.m. — The counter)induction ensemble performs works by Douglas Boyce, Ming-Hsiu Yen, Trevor Weston, and Kyle Bartlett. (TICKETS)
Saturday, October 22, 7:30 p.m. — Patrick Crossland and Alexander Frangenheim present an evening of improvised music. (TICKETS)
Teaching Composition: A Symposium on Composition Pedagogy: Paper and workshop sessions on Friday, October 21st and Saturday, October 22nd.
Evening performances: $15 general admission, $10 seniors, $5 students. All others are free admission.