
The Systemic Repression & Fictionalization of Joseph Bologne

Written by Josh Miller

Miller explores the racial prejudice composer Joseph Bologne, the Chevalier de Saint-Georges, experienced during his life and in the historical record, arguing that historians and musicians should...

Posted: September 14, 2021, 10:22 AM

Corona Bagatelles by Linda Dusman Receives Premiere

Linda Dusman's Corona Bagatelles for cello and piano was premiered by the Duo des Alpes as part of the Cello Autumn Festival in Unna, Germany on August 13.   Corona Bagatelles comprises a musical...

Posted: August 27, 2021, 2:26 PM

Stream of Creation: The World of Samuel Coleridge-Taylor

Written by Erika Rollins

In this post Rollins explores Black English composer Samuel Coleridge-Taylor's life and career through a web of cultural, racial, and socioeconomic factors. To read the full blog post, click here.

Posted: August 26, 2021, 11:51 AM

Join the UMBC Wind Ensemble

Join the UMBC Wind Ensemble All Winds, Brass, and Percussion welcome. The Wind Ensemble meets on Monday nights from 7:10–9:40 in the Linehan Concert Hall of the Performing Arts and Humanities...

Posted: August 23, 2021, 3:43 PM

AUDITION for UMBC's Jazz Groups

So, do you like jazz? There are currently six jazz groups at UMBC, the Jazz Ensemble, four small groups, and the Jazz Guitar Ensemble. The audition is the same for all groups. Non-traditional...

Posted: August 17, 2021, 4:09 PM

Join the UMBC Symphony Orchestra!

All strings, winds, brass, and percussion welcome!

The orchestra meets on Tuesday nights from 7:10-9:40 in the Linehan Concert Hall of the Performing Arts and Humanities Building. Auditions (in person or remote) will take place on August...

Posted: August 17, 2021, 4:06 PM

Canonical Danger: How Standard Rep Undermines the Orchestra

Written by Jeff Martin

Orchestras have faced persistent financial difficulties over the past several decades. To alleviate these challenges, they should consider substantial revision to the standard repertoire, adding...

Posted: July 28, 2021, 11:43 AM

The Wrong Place at the Wrong Time

Written by Jeff Martin

The emerging orchestral canon made it difficult for late nineteenth-century composers to achieve lasting recognition. Hubert Parry faced the additional challenge of living in Britain. The quality...

Posted: July 28, 2021, 11:40 AM

Chiquinha Gonzaga and the Rise of Choro

Written by Jay Fenner

Brazilian Composer Chiquinha Gonzaga was extremely important in establishing the popularity of the music and dance associated with the Brazilian Choro, however her impact is generally overlooked...

Posted: July 28, 2021, 11:38 AM

Duo della Luna CD Debut

Violin professor Airi Yoshioka has released Mangetsu, a debut CD recording with singer and composer Susan Botti for Duo della Luna. Mangetsu (“full moon”) is the title of the work Susan Botti...

Posted: July 21, 2021, 2:27 PM