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Participants Needed for App Designed by Linda Dusman

Octava, a program notes app developed by our own Dr. Linda Dusman, is testing their new app during the Baltimore Symphony Orchestra's performances of the Beethoven Symphony No. 5 on Friday, September 23 and Sunday, September 25, and they need your help! Some study participants will be asked to use the application and others will experience the concert as usual. They will also be experimenting with an interdisciplinary approach that explores the integration of science concepts that relate to the music in these pieces. Participants will be randomly assigned to different research groups.

Study participants must be available to attend the concert in its entirety (using the app if assigned to do so) and complete online surveys sent before the concert, shortly after the concert and about a month after the concert. As a thank you for your participation, you will receive $60 at study completion. See the flyer for more details!

Posted: September 13, 2016, 2:25 PM